They can also enhance facial shape, especially around the lips and in the cheek area. You can either have partial dentures for a few missing teeth or full dentures to a replace a whole set of teeth on the upper or lower jaw.
They are usually made from acrylic, or a combination of acrylic and metal, and modern materials mean that partial dentures will blend in beautifully with existing teeth and complete dentures can pass for the real thing.
Making and fitting dentures can be quite an involved process so you may have to attend several appointments to ensure the final set of dentures are a secure and comfy fit.
Following a comprehensive consultation, impressions of your mouth will be taken so a wax model can be produced.
It can take a little while to get used to your new dentures, especially if they are a complete set. They may feel a little odd at first and eating can be tricky, so it is a good idea to start with softer foods and slowly introduce more challenging items. You may also notice an increase in saliva, but this should soon improve as your mouth gets used to your replacement teeth.
Initially, speaking may be a little difficult but you can improve this by reading aloud. If you are experiencing any sore spots in your mouth, the denture surface may need a little adjustment.
Dentures are designed to be hardwearing but they will last longer if you treat them with care. Dentures should be removed before you go to bed so your gums can have a rest, but they must be stored in water or denture fluid as they could lose their shape if allowed to dry out.
Clean your dentures with a toothbrush or a special denture brush and remember to keep your gums and any remaining teeth clean too. You will also need to attend regular check-ups so your dentist and hygienist can keep an eye on your oral health.
Endodontics is also better known as Root Canal Treatment. Root Canal Treatment becomes necessary when the nerve of a tooth becomes irreversibly damaged, and therefore has to be surgically removed.
A Prosthodontist undertakes the process of rebuilding or replacement of missing teeth. They are trained to deal with the aesthetic and functional challenges that replacement of teeth present.
Periodontal disease affects the gums, bone and other supporting tissues of the teeth. Most individuals suffer gum inflammation from time to time, around 10% of the population appear to suffer from the more severe forms.
Meadows Dental Clinic
18 Thirlestane Road
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